So many companies start with Media and then work backwards. A sales rep calls with a great deal!! For the yellow pages. Or for a local magazine. Or a direct mail program with an internet component. Or… fill in the blank.
So then the company starts moving backwards: what’s our message? What should the ad say? Who are we trying to reach? What action do we want them to take?
I know you’ve heard of the 4 P’s of Marketing, but instead, we encourage the focus on the 4 M’s of Marketing:
While media is certainly important… it shouldn’t start there or you’re only executing tactics that don’t work. A website. A brochure. A tradeshow booth. A direct mailer.
Instead, start by figuring out your market — what’s the best target market? Who are your best primary customers, clients or industries?? A little bit of research and thought will save hundreds, thousands, if not millions of dollars and years of your life.
Next, what do you want your target market to think, feel and do? This becomes the backbone of your message. Not only do you need a good message it must be consistent over time. You’ll feel like it’s old and worn out long before your potential customers or referral partners have even been able to recognize it and repeat it!
Now is time for media. How will you communicate your message to your market? Plan this out ahead of time to eliminate those wild last minute rush jobs to get an ad done for some arbitrary deadline. Planning it out ahead of time is the beauty of marketing.
Although I only gave measurement a 10% of the plan, it’s the piece that is often skipped. Maybe I should have given measurement more importance in this marketing mix, but measurement doesn’t take long or cost a lot. Listening to the metrics can really fine tune a marketing program.
So do you agree with my percentages?
Did I forget an M… like money? or mistakes? or miscommunication. (just kidding!) Let me know if you agree or think that we should go back to the 4 P’s of marketing or adopt the 4 C’s of marketing.