Do you own or promote a restaurant as your business?
Are you using the best new tools available to you?
Here’s my short to-do list for restaurant owners and marketers:
1) Create a Google Local account in Google’s local business center!
Goggle local works in conjunction with Google maps, so when someone is looking for a restaurant online, your Google Local account will help to showcase your restaurant, not just list the name. And, with more and more people using their phones for searching, Google local business will be a key for getting found. If you’re not listed, your potential customers will go to the restaurants that are listed.
- Post a photo of the front of the restaurant and another of the front of house staff
- Add photos of items on your menu to the Google account
- Add your menu descriptions in text too. Goggle works with words
- Make sure your hours are there
- Include clear directions and the phone number
- Log into your account from time to time and see the results.
- Introduce a new offering? Post it on your Place Page after you’ve created your Local Business Account
2) Log in and check your Yelp account!
Yelp - “Real People, Real Reviews” is a review site for customers to post their comments about a meal, a restaurant, the service.
- Check out the other restaurants in your area
- What are your customers saying about your restaurant?
- Ask your social media savvy patrons to do a review for your restaurant on Yelp.
Once you’ve done the basic of having a good local Google listing and happy reviews on Yelp, then you’re ready to promote.
- Create a Twitter account and then tweet the daily specials.
- Promote your account offline in the restaurant. Let your patrons know that you tweet at 11 am the specials in your restaurant so people will follow you!
- Create a TwitPic account to marry with your Twitter account so you can post photos from Twitter.
- Consider creating a coupon for a free beverage when the customer buys a meal (or whatever coupon makes sense for your business.) Take a picture of it and post the coupon photo on TwitPic. Then promote the coupon on Twitter with a link to the TwitPic photo. Ask for a RT (retweet) so the coupon gets passed along. Hint: make sure your coupon has an expiration date!
- Create a Facebook Fan Page for the restaurant. Offer a special incentive to become a fan and then regularly reward your loyal fans with specials.
Get listed by on Facebook for all the Foodies in the US. Not all cities available…
What have you seen that really works for marketing a restaurant on line?