Whatâs the focus of your business, your services, your products or your blog?
If you canât offer an answer with just a word or two, or you hesitate because you carry 2 or 3 business cards… you may be finding that your not being as effective, successful or fulfilled with your progress as you would like to be.
Can you name your target market, message, media methods and measurement goals? You should be able to easily recite these like your phone number or email address.
By adding focus to your day, month and year, youâll be pleasantly surprised at your progress. This is the beginning of the second quarter. What is your focus?
Flickr Creative Commans image courtesy of Ihtatho.
Tags: Marketing Strategy, Blogging, Branding
Your post is short and to the point.
Many small business owners fail to target a market. They attempt to sell to everybody and fail to appeal to anybody.
Until business owners identify a target market, theyâre operating blind. Itâs like theyâre playing pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. The stumble around, not knowing which direction to take and have difficulty making the connecting with the people most likely to buy their products or services.
Once business owners identify a target market, preferably with demographics, market segmentation can reveal a wealth of psychographic and behavioral characteristics to determine the best messages, media, marketing methods and measurement goals.
Market segmentation aids business owners in determining their best target markets and learning about that markets members so that the owners can discover the best appeals to market to them and the best way to build mutually beneficial relationships.
Today I had the pleasure of hearing Michael Gerber of E-Myth speak and I wrote down a quote from him that adds value to the thought of being focused:
“Are you building a brand or just building a name?”
A brand has focus, definition and a target audience. If you are building a name without knowing what it stands for, how can others successfully refer to you. “Oh yeah, thatâs Debbie, she does a bunch of stuff, not sure what, but I see her name everywhere.”
Thanks for the reminder, Chris, that although we can go in a bunch of different directions, it is only by choosing one path that we actually get anywhere.
With laser focus, I sign this comment from
Deborah, Web Writer
Does anyone see anything wrong with that, or is it just me?