How to Develop Your Social Media Marketing Mix

by Chris Brown on Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Compare your goals to your tactic before jumping into your social media marketing campaign.

Click on the image to go to the link on with the full chart of Social Media Marketing Platform Tools including Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube, Goggle+, Pinterest, SlideShare and Instagram.

The social media landscape continues to morph. Growing, shrinking, changing.

Some platforms are better for brand awareness. Others for SEO or communicating with customers.

Once again The website does a great job in neatly providing an easy to use guide with green, yellow, red indicators for go, proceed with caution or stop guides. Before jumping in with both feet into YouTube, Instagram, Vine or Pinterest, first compare your strategic goals with the social media platform.

By the way, why isn’t Vine on here? Is it really only used by teens?

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