Are you just starting in your social media marketing efforts, or have you been blogging for months or years?
Either way, you would find quite a bit of value from reading this review of the SOBCon ’07 (Successful and Outstanding Bloggers Conference) held May 11-12 in Chicago.
Jason Alba has an awesome review of each of the seminar offerings:
- Conference introduction by Terry Starbucker.
- Phil Gerbyshak on Ten Ways to Make it Great. What an infectious smile!
- Liz Strauss on Successful and Outstanding Blogs. You can’t help but just LOVE Liz. Her warm personal style combined with lots of wisdom is so appealing!
- David Armano on conversation by design. What an incredible speaker. You could hear a pin drop in the room!
- Podcasting 101 by Ben Yoskovitz. My takeaway: the blogs are for the readers and if they prefer to listen over read, then we owe it to them to provide audio content too.
- Rodney Rumford on what’s next in video. I like him, he really speaks from the heart.
- Andy Sernovitz, lunchtime speaker on Word of Mouth Marketing. Good stuff and thanks for the book too Andy!
- Iowa “delegates” Mike Sansone, Mike Wagner and Drew McClellan, led the breakout session of what’s working, what’s not, & what’s next that was extremely helpful.
- Chris Cree moderated the panel of some of the conference sponsors where they talked about what’s next and how to use their applications: The Good Blogs, My Blog Log, Evoca.
- Wendy Piersall (aka emom) on blogging outside our comfort zone.
- A live critique of Dawud Miracle’s blog (His blog is in transition from HealthWebDesign and is part website/part blog. Thanks for being the guinea pig, Dawud!).
Improving your Social Media Marketing Results
Thanks Chris. It was great to finally meet you. Thanks for mentioning the critique. It was actually quite helpful. Watch for changes - sooner and later.
And if you have questions about WordPress, please let me know. I’ll help you in any way I can.
Thanks for providing this great listing of what you learned at SOBCon 2007, Chris. I was unable to attend though I worked to publicize it for my readers. Now I can catch up on a few of the highlights! Thanks so much.
What do you sense was your biggest take-away?
I think I’m going to email you off line about my pros and cons list of switching. Because your site is going thru much of where I think I’ll end up going thru, I think you’re in a unique position to give me some good insights.
I enjoyed meeting you too. You are just like I thought you’d be: friendly, helpful and smart.
Biggest take away… wow. That is hard.
It really reinforced that this is where the world is going to be in 5 to 10 years.
People might look at us like we have 2 heads when we talk about blogging and our blog buddies, but this is what will be normal in just a few years.
I remember 10-12 years ago in corporate discussing “should” we have a web site. Now that question is laughable.
Aw shucks Chris, thanks for the nice note. Glad to share a smile and a hug with you. :)