It’s Time to Pick a Day!

by Chris Brown on Monday, November 29, 2010

Black Friday. Small Business Saturday. Cyber Monday.

Selecting a day of the year, of the month, of the week to trigger an event is not new to marketing.

What about Prince spaghetti day? For 40 years, everyone has known that it is Wednesday.

At the local ski slope, “Pick a Day” is a successful promotion all on it’s own where the skier selected which day (and could change it every week) during the week to go skiing. Basically the “Pick a Day” pass means that the customer can ski one day a week all winter, they pick the day. Great idea when the weather in NE Ohio cooperates only sometimes, and it helps to take the resistance down when thinking about investing in a ski pass.

Some holidays seem obvious matches: halloween and candy, 4th of July and fireworks, Memorial day and parades, Labor day and picnics… changing the clocks and new batteries in the smoke detector!

Does your business leverage a day of the year, month, or week? And how do you plant the seed in the mind of your customer that it’s time?

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Monday, November 29, 2010 at 6:54 am

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Norma Rist Monday, November 29, 2010 at 7:50 pm

I like “Pick a Day” because you can count on it. It is a great way to help a product or service stay top of mind, year after year. My favorite new day will be the ATHENA International Women’s Leadership Day Lunch on 09.20.11 and on every third Tuesday in September each year in cities around the world. What a great way to celebrate women’s leadership development. Locally in Akron, Ohio the date this year is 12.15.10; and then on the international day starting in 2011.

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