How to market a charitable event with a press release
Many companies are involved in sponsoring programs that help to improve things - whether it is funding disease research, building housing or providing toys/services for others less fortunate.
Are you marketing a charitable event? Wondering how you can get the word out about it?
One way is to write a press release and submit it - no charge - at ClickPress
If your event is in Northeast Ohio, I’ll be willing to add it to as well.
Have trouble writing a press release? Remember the 5 w’s & H (who, what, when, where, why and how) and also include a website link with a photo.
Not all press release websites will accept photos, but I believe it really helps attract attention.

I am riding my bicycle 150 miles to help fun research for Multiple Sclerosis. The MS150 Buckeye Breakaway is in Northeast Ohio. This will be my 7th year. It’s challenging, but I have a personal reason for doing it and here’s why I ride.
who: Chris Brown, publisher of Branding & Marketing, and member of the Skiers On Bikes (SOB’s) team
what: will be riding a bicycle 150 miles
when: on the first weekend in August 2018
where: from Brunswick High School to Ashland College and back again
why: to build awareness about the 20,000 people in Ohio with MS, the research that is getting closer to find a cause and a cure, and raise funds for the research
how: hot, sweaty, mind-numbing, hill climbing, pedal, pedal, pedal, sunscreen, chamois butter, pickle juice, spare tires, water bottles, sore butt, rain poncho and donations
Why It is important to Market your Charitable Event
If you don’t tell people about your events, you deprive them of becoming involved. I used to feel funny about promoting this. I felt no one reading Branding & Marketing would want to hear about it. After a couple of conversations with some of my readers, I changed my mind. I learned that people want to know what causes you and your company support. I already knew that many people are affected by MS or know someone who is affected.
Let me know what causes you and your company support. Leave a message in the comments below.