Marketing a start up can be most challenging. Little money. Lots of need. You really need marketing tips that actually work for your business to succeed.
If you are just getting started in a career in marketing… as in still job hunting, you may want to review the 10 suggestions I posted this morning for transitioning from college into a marketing career.
If you’re considering starting a business, here are a couple of great posts on getting your marketing kicked off. One thing to remember, perfection will not only slow things down too much, it will cost you too much. Starting a business can be a very consuming feeling at the beginning, and it can be complicated, reading articles on how to start a collection agency, for example, could help make the whole process more straightforward. It is a lot to take in and do to get it going and keep it going, there are companies out there that can help you through this, you can become a “franchisee” where you are able to run your business under a company, Poppies Cleaning Service is a brand who does this they offer a helping hand to people who want to start up their own cleaning business and are need of support and training, it’s a great way to get into the business world.
How Startups can Use PR Successfully is a very helpful post from Ben Yoskovitz at the InstigatorBlog and CoFounder of StandOutJobs
Wendy Piersall is one of the most entrepreneural women I know… (the word “know” is all relative, she & I met once but I try to read and follow her articles & posts.) Her post on 26 Internet Marketing How To’s for every Level of Experience has so many great marketing tips to help your start marketing your business - even if it isn’t an internet business!
Wonderful compilation of resources.. thanks for sharing!
Interesting post, Chirs… Thanks for these resources.
I wrote a post for our blog earlier today that I think fits in well with marketing a startup. If you get a chance to check it out, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
It’s at: