Market Research about 21 Million Working Moms

working moms market research studyIf you market your brand to working moms, you’ll want to check out this market research study by Scarborough. Mobile Marketing is a key media to reach the valuable working moms demographic that is 21 million strong.

Read the summary about the “Shopping Insights on Today’s Working Mom” September 2009 study here.

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Trends Analysis and Market Research

It’s interesting to me to compare keywords in the Google trend analysis. Take the words trend, analysis, marketing and research for instance.

What does this chart really show? Not a whole lot at first glance, but with a second look you can make a few pretty logical assumptions:

  • While research, marketing and analysis as search words in google really drop at the end of the year, the word “trends” stays relatively flat throughout the whole year.
  • Research, Analysis, Marketing seem to move together, with the most popular search term being Research, then the term Marketing and then Analysis. Trends as a search term doesn’t really compare.
  • The Google Trends analysis is driven off of news stories, that’s what the A, B, C designations are calling out. So when something big happens in the news that makes that term all of the sudden have a jump in searches, the Google Trends analysis places a marker there to explain it.
  • Although there is no marker placed at the end of each year, I know from how our telephone gets so quiet between December 19th - ish and January 3rd - ish, that many of the folks who are looking for these terms, are not searching during those days. Probably skiing, visiting family, making snowmen, or visiting far off beaches… or maybe returning gifts from loved ones that they didn’t like (the gifts, not the loved ones!)… or maybe sitting in an airport stuck. I guess the Google Trend doesn’t tell us what they are doing… just want they are NOT doing. They’re not searching. At least not searching these terms!

That said, how can that help you with your marketing? Perhaps search your most popular keywords and see if there is any seasonal correlation year over year. Perhaps you post a landing page that focuses on the reason for the seasonal correlation and your search term. Maybe issue a press release that focuses on those terms. Why not think strategically about how/what your target marketing is thinking or doing and anticipate it? As we all know, marketing is a large part of any business, as it allows you to get the word out about your business and the services they provide. As this aspect is necessary in any industry, regardless of whether you look into sites like if you are looking for ways to grow your law firm business or do some research online on how to create a website for your new catering company, hopefully you’ll put these marketing techniques to good use.

How else can you use this trend analysis?? Try your own comparison. See what you can surmise from comparing the search terms. I’ve found that some things are obvious, but some other ideas come from additional observation and some trials. Let me know what you learn from it.

Starting Tactics without Strategy is just Spinning your Wheels

In marketing it only makes sense to start with a plan, but you’d be surprised how few firms want to start with one.

They usually call wanting help with a tactic. “Create a brochure.” “Revise our website.” “Send out a press release.”

(Don’t get me wrong, we do that kind of work. Happily do that kind of work!)

But if the client doesn’t have a marketing plan in place before they begin to execute all the tactics, they wonder why “it’s not working”. Or why they continue to re-do things over and over.

A good marketing plan has a strategy. It needs to be based on market research and analysis. And on competitive analysis and SWOT analysis. And on a thorough understanding of the target customer — what they need, why they buy at what price, and why they might switch from a competitor to your brand.

If you want tactics, that’s great. But if you have a plan, you’ll be so much happier when everything is all said and done… and you won’t have wasted any time spinning wheels!

Technorati tags: Tactiocs, Marketing, Branding, , SWOT analysis

Brands: The cycle of Create, Manage, Evaluate

InterBrand’s chart of Brand Value Management claims to have no beginning or end…

Although I like the fact that they put the customer in the center of the chart, I want to look at these steps sequentially, but have trouble seeing where to jump in and then logically progress based on this chart. I guess I take issue with research being so far away from strategy.

Research, create, manage, evaluate. That might work.

Opportunity, strategy, design, implement. That might work.

Create, research, value, protect. I suppose some do that too.

When I first saw this chart, I thought “Wow! a primer by the folks who really study brands and branding.” But after reviewing it, the chart just seems somewhat random.

View the whole thing on page 28 of InterBrand’s PDF of the 2006 Ranking of Global Brands.

Technorati Tags: Marketing, Branding, ,

Blogs as Marketing Tools? NO! Well… Depends.

Is a blog just another marketing tool or tactic to try to build awareness, introduce services or even a sales tool to try to get people to buy?

No, I don’t think so! In fact: Emphatically NO.

A blog is closer to the town meeting, where one person leads the discussion, but many people get the microphone. It’s closer to a call in radio show where callers can pose some of the most thought provoking ideas. It’s like a telephone call where others can conference in and add their comments.

It’s not a brochure. It’s “alive”. It’s not one way. It’s not even 2 way. It’s multi-directional! With many voices and ideas and thoughts. The duty of the blogger is to keep the subject relevant to the topic of the particular blog. Not adding recipes for meatballs or talking about the game last Sunday. (Unless that’s the topic of your blog!)

A blog can kick start a company’s marketing. Supplement a boring brochure. Add life to a static website, until you can get your website renovated into dynamic content that is!

A blog extends the discussion with links. For example, here are some other blog posts about blogs are not marketing tools:

On the other hand, don’t expect that every post will result in a conversation! Blogging is NOT entitlement to discussion or links!!

The fax machine, the telephone, email, a store PA system, newspaper, websites and printed company literature… all are communication devices with varying levels of potential response.

  • You assume a fax goes to a person who requested, but fax machines have been abused as one way advertising tools. (Man, do I hate the health care or travel agency that insists on using up my toner for a fax blast… don’t they know it’s illegal?!)
  • Both telephone (telemarketers) & email (spam) have been abused by so-called marketers and advertisers to the point it has become illegal in many cases.
  • PA systems in stores sometimes drive me crazy (remember the BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL?) but if people are annoyed, it only drives them out of the store, so the marketers are much more sensitive to the annoyance factor. But as far as two way communication, it’s tough to yell back to a PA system and feel any satisfaction that your voice or opinion has been heard.
  • Newspapers have their editorial and letters to the editor columns.
  • Websites, well, websites usually have an [email protected] feature that is extremely less than satisfying.
  • Printed company literature doesn’t even invite response. Extremely one way.

Does your blog feel more like one of these annoying on- way mediums or do you encourage feedback, response and conversation?

The best marketing campaigns involve the audience. So, maybe I’ve come full circle in this post. Yes, blogs could be a marketing function. But they need to be more like the moderator at a focus group and positioned more on the market research side where you’re looking for information. Not the marketing communications side where you’re disseminating information.